I know that I haven't posted here since Feb. Bad Blogger!! Smack my hand bad!!! I've had alot going on in my person live that my blog has been left sitting :( Put I hope to be blog more now that my life has ironed out and I'm moving forward. Have a great new job working for the local cable company as an Customer Service Rep (which can have it's charges but I'm working and so very happy about that!!!). I'm now a single 26 year old young woman. Went through a bad break up at the end of last month. Don't worry about the break up because it is for the BEST!!! I'm so happy in my life right now!!! Just wanted to give a small update about what has been going on w/ me.
Now onto the real show!!!
I did this for the challenge up over at The Design Experiment about "What do you love about yourself"

Journaling: Is that no matter what anyone thinks, says, or does to me...I'm still Me!!! I'm still happy, fun, smart, good looking, a country girl, love w/all my heart and a swearer! I know who I AM and I love that!
The challenge really fit for my feelings right now in my life. That no matter what happens I'm still me and no one can break that!!!! No matter how hard I stumble or fall I'll still get up and brush off the legs and I'll stand tall holding my head up high and know that I'm ok because I'm ME!!!
Anyways how everyone had a great Easter and a wonderful weekend!!!